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{New 18+} Killer Shayari in English | high Attitude shayari

 Silent Killer Shayari in English | high Attitude shayari

Silent Killer Shayari in English | high Attitude shayari

🤨 Dear Girl, don’t worry if you’re still single 🤭 . God is looking at you right now and saying, 🧐 ”I’m saving this girl for someone special.” 😁


I’m a blur, a speeding bullet you can’t catch.


Ҝeep Your behavior positive because Your behavior becoɱes Your habit.


Killer Attitude Status in English for boy

❤️ I’m not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart LESS. 🤩🤩


I’m your worst nightmare.


I’m so ugly I can’t even get hired at Walmart.

It’s always dark before dawn.


A positive attitude ɱay not solve all Your probleɱs, but it will annoy enough people to ɱaҜe it worth the effort.


Silent killer Status in English

🤨 If people are trying to bring you ‘Down’, 👊 It only means that you are ‘Above them 🤩🤩


Maybe you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside too.


Leave your comfortable life and go in search of your kingdom.


Ҝeep Your thoughts positive because Your thoughts becoɱe Your words.


Attitude shayari in english text

😳,The eyes are useless when the mind is blind 🤐


I am Royal King, Because of my Loyal Queen.


Those who talҜ behind ɱy bacҜ, are behind ɱe for a reason.


😁 Sweet as sugar. Cold as ice. 💔 Hurt me once, I’ll break you twice.


Attitude shayari in english copy paste

That which kills you is that which challenges me and makes me feel alive.


No ɱatter what a woɱan looҜs liҜe, if she is confident, she is sexy’.


🤟 I will definitely win 👑 though not immediately but definitely 😇


Never get so busy doing the kingdom’s work that you forget who the King is.


Killer Attitude Status in English

👉 I followed a diet but it didn’t follow me back, 👊 so I unfollowed 😂


Don’t Let The Bad Attitude Of Others

Ruin Good Attitude Of Yours.


🧐 Open your eyes and change the view.😇 ”


FB shayari in english

Math Rule-: If it appears simple,

But you’re doing it incorrectly.


👉 Your direction in life is determined by your attitude. 😁


Dear Lord, there’s a bug in your software program…

it’s called #Sunday, please repair it !


Killer Status lines

🤟 Don’t ever lose hope or give up. When the SUN goes down, 🙃 the STARS come up. 🤩


In my home I’m the boss,

my wife is simply the decision maker…!


😇 Build your city of dreams. 😇


Attitude shayari in english for boy

No darling, i have checked my receipt 

and i didn’t buy any of your bullshit.


🤭 I don’t have a mental problem, I’m just a personality. 🤟


It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of me

because i know who i am, and i am damn proud of it.


Silent killer Attitude Quotes

👑 Royalty is completely different than celebrity. 🤩 Royalty has a magic all its own.” 👑


My circle is small because

I am into quality, not quantity.


👊 Bad behavior is like a flat tire. 🤨 You can’t go any further until you change it 🤪


Attitude Shayari in english Hindi

You are either on my side, by my side, 

or in my fu*king way. Choose wisely.


😳 I don’t want a perfect life. I want a happy life 😃


Don’t be easy to define.

Let them wonder about you.


Killer attitude caption copy paste

😞 The Hardest Walk Is Walking #Alone 🚶‍♀️ But Its Also The #Strongest. 👊


I’m everything you want but can’t have


🤪 My biggest problem? I notice everything. 😳


Killer attitude caption

I don’t need any part-time people in my life.


🤟 Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me. 👊

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